I created this portfolio website to showcase the projects I have worked on along with all my work experience and all my contact information for anyone to reach me. I use Framer Motion to do scroll-linked transitions, react-typed for typing animation, and use-scramble to implement character scramble animation within text. I also used @rena.to/github-blog to turn my github issues into a blog CMS.
Relazee is a website for my ongoing startup, it's a social media platform focused on college students that allows users to find partners or friends and discover various events across universities. Anyone, such as event/competition organizers, including universities, can post their event information on this platform. College students and their teams can join the event through this platform. This website is still in the early stages of development and is still very far from being finished.
Eduwork Sosmed is a website I worked on during my internship at Eduwork.id. This website is used to build a community and promote Eduwork's latest products. On this website users can explore webinars, courses, and mentors available at Eduwork.
This is a website that contains information about the chemical engineering study program at University of Jember such as contacts, locations, lecturers and alumni, along with the latest student news and activities. I created this website using WordPress and the popular WordPress plugin, Elementor.
This is an old version of Gits.id website. Cloning Gits.id website is a part of technical test to apply for Software Engineer Intern position in Gits.id. I am using pure and vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript to build this website. No framework/library involved except for the typing animation i am using typed.js.
Dahar is a food delivery mobile application specifically designed for owners of traditional Javanese culinary businesses. In this project i learned a lot of things such as how to work with maps using GPS, Google Maps, and OpenRouteService to measure distances. I am also using Firebase and Firestore to store data and Firebase Auth to handle authentication.
DeboksKas is a website I created for my client, a banana stem chips seller in Jombang Regency. With this application users can record finances, employees, stalls, and products sold. In addition to recording, users can also see financial performance on a weekly or monthly basis and see which stalls sell the best-selling products.
Depression Calculator is a platform to detect potential levels of depression. Here you can diagnose how much potential depression you are currently experiencing. This application works using the Learning Vector Quantization method which makes predictions based on data such as age, gender, and also characteristics or symptoms that you can enter in the form.